Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's My Party, And I'll Cry If I Want To

I attended a fun and wickedly funny tea party last weekend, and let me tell you, not since The Notebook hit theaters have so many women been spotted crying simultaneously in one room. Fortunately for everyone involved, these were tears of joy--we'll get get to what caused them in a moment. The tea party came about as a housewarming of sorts for new roommates Wendi and Maureen, Astoria's newest residents and serious tea enthusiasts. As one of the many New Yorkers that looks to coffee for caffeine, comfort, and joy, I was understandably hesitant about an event centered solely around tea. The company, however, not to mention the many edible treats (and parting gifts), were enough to reassure me that I'd have a good time.

It probably comes as no surprise at all to my friends reading this that I was the first to arrive at the lovely two floor house, or that I chose a prime spot square in front of the tomatoes, cheese and basil drizzled with balsamic vinegar. I incorrectly chose to start out with something new, a very strong peach tea (too sweet for me), but there were 2 more cups and types to be had (I am now officially a Lady Grey drinker), so I continued expanding my tea horizons.

Among the many delicious sweet treats were perfectly dip-able gingerbread men, and the even more adorable (and tiny) gingerbread boys. After several cups of tea, countless cookies, and a multitude of muffins, the conversation drifted from the apartment, to food, to family. At this point, tears were just around the corner as conversation turned to Maureen's constant name amnesia, especially where Wendi's family is concerned. It's actually much more endearing than it sounds, and left us all wondering if she remembered any of our names (she did...we think).

So no recipe today, but I'd like to thank our hosts Wendi and Maureen for welcoming us into their home (on a very cold day, I might add), feeding us, and sending us home with some excellent parting gifts. I look forward to venturing back into Queens, and possibly becoming a tea enthusiast. Maybe. Possibly. Let's just say I'm open to the possibility :)


1 comment:

xwendix said...

we loved having you! i hope we have another tea party soon! <3